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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Drosophila AND Resource = 1560R-1)
Species Resource Title
Drosophila 1560R-1 , 16858R-3 , 1403R-1 , 2916R-1 Atypical laminin spots and pull-generated microtubule-actin projections mediate Drosophila wing adhesion.
Drosophila 1560R-1 Integrins Modulate Extracellular Matrix Organization to Control Cell Signaling during Hematopoiesis.
Drosophila 1560R-1 Basigin Associates with Integrin in Order to Regulate Perineurial Glia and Drosophila Nervous System Morphology.
Drosophila 1560R-1 , 6831R-1 Interplay between integrins and PI4P5K Sktl is crucial for cell polarization and reepithelialisation during Drosophila wound healing.
Drosophila 10440R-3 , HMS00174  , HMS00451  , HMJ21628  , HMC03366  , 10664R-3 , 10689R-2 , 10691R-1 , 10712R-2 , HMS00150  , ... Chaperonin TRiC/CCT supports mitotic exit and entry into endocycle in Drosophila.
Drosophila 1560R-1 , 8070R-1 , 6831R-1 , 1771R-1 , 18152R-1 , 7563R-3 , 31794R-C-1 , 7954R-1 , 1212R-3 , 9379R-3 , ... Requirement for and polarized localization of integrin proteins during Drosophila wound closure.
Drosophila 16858R-3 , 1560R-1 , 9623R-2 Inter-adipocyte Adhesion and Signaling by Collagen IV Intercellular Concentrations in Drosophila.
Drosophila 1004R-3 , 1007R-1 , 1017R-3 , 1019R-1 , 1019R-3 , 1031R-1 , 1041R-1 , 1041R-3 , 1058R-1 , 1059R-2 , ... A Tendon Cell Specific RNAi Screen Reveals Novel Candidates Essential for Muscle Tendon Interaction.
Drosophila 16858R-3 , 12497R-1 , 12908R-3 , 1771R-1 , 16827R-2 , 1762R-1 , 1560R-1 , 8470R-4 , 11990R-2 , 1725R-1 , ... Basement membrane and cell integrity of self-tissues in maintaining Drosophila immunological tolerance.
Drosophila 1560R-1 , 9623R-2 , 6831R-1 Loss of focal adhesions in glia disrupts both glial and photoreceptor axon migration in the Drosophila visual system.
Drosophila 8896R-2 , 3705R-1 , 9749R-2 , 7978R-3 , 18290R-3 , 12131R-1 , 5032R-1 , 2987R-3 , 2987R-2 , 10478R-1 , ... An RNA interference screen for genes required to shape the anteroposterior compartment boundary in Drosophila identifies the Eph receptor.
Drosophila 6831R-1 , 6831R-2 , 1560R-1 , 1560R-2 , 9623R-1 , 9623R-2 , 7762R-1 , 7761R-1 Integrin-mediated adhesion maintains sarcomeric integrity.
Drosophila 1560R-1 , 1560R-2 Integrin adhesion drives the emergent polarization of active cytoskeletal stresses to pattern cell delamination.
Drosophila Stock(s) of DGRC Kyoto , 1560R-1 , 1560R-2 , 9623R-1 , 9623R-2 , 8095R-1 , 8095R-2 , 6831R-1 , 6831R-2 Integrins are necessary for the development and maintenance of the glial layers in the Drosophila peripheral nerve.