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DNA material GEPRA-B (RDB15249) , GEPRA-G (RDB15250) , GEPRA-AA (RDB15251) , GEPRA-B/ pT2KXIG deltain (RDB15252) , GEPRA-G/ pT2KXIG deltain (RDB15253) , GEPRA-AA/ pT2KXIG deltain (RDB15254). Visualization of an endogenous retinoic acid gradient across embryonic development.
C.elegans tm2143 Inhibition of ectopic microtubule assembly by the kinesin-13 KLP-7 prevents chromosome segregation and cytokinesis defects in oocytes.
DNA material mCherry-zCdt1(1/190) / pT2KXIGdeltain (RDB15278) , mVenus-zGeminin (1/100) / pT2KXIGdeltain (RDB15279). Visualizing the cell-cycle progression of endothelial cells in zebrafish.
DNA material pUAST-IKKe-HA (RDB15214) , pUAST-IKKe-myc (RDB15215) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-HA (RDB15218) , pCA-mIKKe-GFP (RDB15222) , pCA-mIKKe-HA (RDB15223) , pCA-mIKKe-Flag (RDB15224) , pCA-hTBK1-GFP (RDB15225) , pCA-hTBK1-HA (RDB15226) , pCA-hTBK1-Flag (RDB15227). IKKε regulates cell elongation through recycling endosome shuttling.
DNA material pUAST-PKC53E-EGFP (RDB15213) , pUAST-IKKe-GFP (RDB15216) , pUAST-IKKe-IRES-mKO (RDB15217) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-myc (RDB15219) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-GFP (RDB15220) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-IRES-mKO (RDB15221). IKKε inhibits PKC to promote Fascin-dependent actin bundling.
C.elegans tm3153 Dynein light chain DLC-1 promotes localization and function of the PUF protein FBF-2 in germline progenitor cells.
Drosophila 16858R-3 , 13831R-1 Basement Membrane Manipulation in Drosophila Wing Discs Affects Dpp Retention but Not Growth Mechanoregulation.
C.elegans tm3713 JMJD-1.2/PHF8 controls axon guidance by regulating Hedgehog-like signaling.
Drosophila 8544R-3 , 8544R-2 , 5680R-1 , 5680R-2 , 31196R-4 , 7788R-2 , 8624R-1 , 8091R-1 , 9553R-3 , 9553R-4 Yorkie regulates epidermal wound healing in Drosophila larvae independently of cell proliferation and apoptosis.
Medaka osx_tv1mutant/osx:mCherry (TG1138) , col10a1:nlGFP (TG1129) A vertebrate-specific and essential role for osterix in osteogenesis revealed by gene knockout in the teleost medaka.
Drosophila Prevention of medulla neuron dedifferentiation by Nerfin-1 requires inhibition of Notch activity.
Drosophila The TEAD family transcription factor Scalloped regulates blood progenitor maintenance and proliferation in Drosophila through PDGF/VEGFR receptor (Pvr) signaling.
Drosophila A Drosophila toolkit for defining gene function in spermatogenesis.
Drosophila 9749R-3 Fat2 and Lar Define a Basally Localized Planar Signaling System Controlling Collective Cell Migration.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis Epigenetic modification maintains intrinsic limb-cell identity in Xenopus limb bud regeneration.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis Genes coding for cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors are fragile in Xenopus.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis Identification and comparative analyses of Siamois cluster genes in Xenopus laevis and tropicalis.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis no privacy, a Xenopus tropicalis mutant, is a model of human Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome and allows visualization of internal organogenesis during tadpole development.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis Clustered Xenopus keratin genes: A genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic analysis.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis Genomic organization and modulation of gene expression of the TGF-β and FGF pathways in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis.