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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#119243 , DGRC#119244 , DGRC#119245 , DGRC#119246 , DGRC#119247 , DGRC#119248 , DGRC#119249 , DGRC#119250 , DGRC#119251 , DGRC#119252 , ... miRNA-mediated gene silencing in Drosophila larval development involves GW182-dependent and independent mechanisms.
Drosophila DGRC#105442 A conserved nutrient responsive axis mediates autophagic degradation of miRNA-mRNA hybrids in blood cell progenitors.
C.elegans tm1200 , tm1186 Sensitized piRNA reporter identifies multiple RNA processing factors involved in piRNA-mediated gene silencing.
C.elegans tm1200 , tm116 , tm116102 HRDE-2 drives small RNA specificity for the nuclear Argonaute protein HRDE-1.
Drosophila D. pseudoobscura (k-s12), , D. eugracilis (E-18102), , D. mojavensis (k-s13) The absence of core piRNA biogenesis factors does not impact efficient transposon silencing in Drosophila
C.elegans tm872 A family of C. elegans VASA homologs control Argonaute pathway specificity and promote transgenerational silencing.
C.elegans tm872 , tm1094 , tm1396 piRNAs coordinate poly(UG) tailing to prevent aberrant and perpetual gene silencing.
C.elegans tm4477 , tm869 pre-piRNA trimming and 2'-O-methylation protect piRNAs from 3' tailing and degradation in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm2723 PIE-1 SUMOylation promotes germline fates and piRNA-dependent silencing in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1200 , tm892 piRNAs initiate transcriptional silencing of spermatogenic genes during C. elegans germline development.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00001 The mechanisms of siRNA selection by plant Argonaute proteins triggering DNA methylation.
Silkworms p50 The piRNA cluster torimochi is an expanding transposon in cultured silkworm cells.
Drosophila 10008Ab-1 Piwi Modulates Chromatin Accessibility by Regulating Multiple Factors Including Histone H1 to Repress Transposons.
Drosophila Identification and Functional Characterization of Argonaute (Ago) Proteins in Insect Genomes.
Drosophila DGRC#124205 , DGRC#126282 Large Drosophila germline piRNA clusters are evolutionarily labile and dispensable for transposon regulation.
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) A widespread family of heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins protect against protein instability and aggregation.
DNA material pUC18-HTK (with promoter) (RDB03436) Thermus thermophilus Argonaute Functions in the Completion of DNA Replication.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) An alternative miRISC targets a cancer-associated coding sequence mutation in FOXL2.
Human and Animal Cells LK-2(RCB1970) , RERF-LC-AI(RCB0444) , EBC-1(RCB1965) , LC-1/sq-SF(RCB0438) Recruitment of KMT2C/MLL3 to DNA Damage Sites Mediates DNA Damage Responses and Regulates PARP Inhibitor Sensitivity in Cancer.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00001 Cell Cycle-Dependent Regulation and Function of ARGONAUTE1 in Plants.